How To Sell Your Inventions

Getting your inventive ideas off the page and onto the shelves takes a bit of planning and work. The more effort you put into researching your thoughts, the demand for them in the market and how to create your invention in bulk, the easier it will be to get through the stages and build a successful business.

Research Your Ideas

To research your ideas, you will need first to detail them on the page and examine them critically. Will your invention work? How expensive will it be to make? Can you find plastic injection mold makers for the components? Answering these questions on paper will help you build your business plans and find investors for your startup, but in this first phase, the answers will help you determine product viability.

Your next step is to research the market availability for similar items and ensure that someone does not already have a patent on your idea. Finding something similar will help you determine the demand for that type of solution and show you how to make your invention an improvement on the concept.

Prototype Your Products

Your next step is to build prototypes. The prototype can be a working model or an aesthetic one, but you will need a working model before you can patent or trademark your idea. Many manufacturers are willing to help you prototype your inventions and run small sample lines through their equipment to determine whether your preferred methods will work effectively.

Start Your Company

Taking your inventions from the paper to the store shelves can be daunting and exhausting, but it is well worth trying. Once you get the research out of the way, you can work through the prototype stages and start your business. An influencer box design is a great way to get your prototype or even the finished product into the hands of people who can get lots of eyeballs on it. Consider this step a huge kickstart to awareness and growth.

The final step is to find a business mentor to help you get all the licensing and paperwork out of the way and start your company. Local business associations and the Small Business Administration offices can help you find resources in your area to help you build a business plan, talk to investors and get your business license.