3 Truths to Deepen Your Christian Walk Today

As Christians, we often go through our busy lives with God as an afterthought. Though we desire intimacy with our Lord, it can be difficult to maintain that relationship in the midst of everything else on our agenda. However, by integrating short meditations on Christian life lessons into our day, we can deepen our relationship with God and grow ourselves as believers. Here are three Biblical truths to ponder and “meditate on day and night” as the Psalmist encourages us to do.

God is My Shepherd

Psalm 23 reminds us that the Lord is our shepherd. He guides us. He abundantly provides for our needs. If we will submit to His guidance, He will lead us into His best for us. Just as a good shepherd cares for his sheep, so our heavenly shepherd cares for each of His children. Take some time to pray for Him to give you the faith and humility to surrender to His leading.

God is Capable of More

Paul writes in Ephesians 3 that God is able to do “far more abundantly than all we ask or think” through the power of the Holy Spirit abiding in us. Does the way ahead seem impossible? Not with God. Though His ways are higher than our ways, He also is ready to bless us beyond measure. Jesus taught that if we ask anything in line with His will, God will grant us the answer to our prayers. Does God always give us what we pray for? Certainly not. His ways, timing and answers are often beyond our earthly understanding. At the same time, don’t put limit your expectations of God. There is no limit to what He can do.

God Remains Faithful

Timothy writes in 2 Timothy 2 that even when we are faithless, God remains steadfastly faithful. He will never abandon us. Like good father, God loves and pursues His children even when they stray. We can never escape His unending love. He holds His promises to us, even when we break our promises to Him. 

Even in the middle of our endless to-do lists, meetings and errands, we can meditate on Christian truths to renew our vision, realign our priorities and honor our relationship with God. He is never far away. All we must do is bring to mind His truths and reconnect with Him. Whether you’re on the road, bouncing from meeting to meeting or running around with the kids, take some time to dwell in His presence today.